To fulfill its mission, Trinity Services depends on generous donations and contributions from supporters like you. Unfortunately, government funding cannot fully sustain a nonprofit disability service provider. For this reason, Trinity's ongoing financial plans always include fundraising activities through Trinity’s Development Office and the Trinity Foundation.

When you give to the Trinity Foundation, a 501(c) 3 charitable organization, your donation supports and funds the work and goals of Trinity Services, Inc. All donations are tax-deductible as allowable by federal law.

Below are several ways you can contribute:

  • Donate onlineBy using our secure online form, you can give a one-time or recurring gift directly from your debit or credit card, or from your checking account.
  • Donate by phone. Call the Development Office at 815-717-3750 to make a donation over the phone using your debit or credit card.
  • Donate by mail. Make checks payable to Trinity Foundation, and mail them to Trinity Foundation, Attn: Sherry Ladislas, 301 Veterans Parkway, New Lenox, Illinois 60451.
  • Give in honor or in memory of a loved one. When making a gift in the name of someone, simply note their information with your donation. If you would like the honoree or a loved one of the memorialized to receive an acknowledgement letter, please include his or her address, as well.
  • Join Trinity’s Legacy Society. Members of the Legacy Society have chosen to include Trinity Services in their will through deferred gifts, including a specific dollar amount or percentage of their estate, real estate, a life insurance policy, stocks, bonds, charitable remainder trusts, or other planned gifts.
  • Donate appreciated stocks or bonds. Givers of these gifts are eligible for a tax deduction for the full market value at the time of the donation if they have owned the security for at least one year, or for the original price if they have owned the security for less than one year.
  • Donate a new, unused auction or raffle item. Items are auctioned or raffled at Trinity's fundraising events. Popular items include themed gift baskets, jewelry, electronics, vacation packages, tickets to sporting events, art pieces, and more.

For more information about any of these ways to give, contact Trinity Services’ Development Office at 815-717-3750, or email Director of Development Sherry Ladislas.


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